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About Simplifying Nutrition

Nutritionist and Reiki Practitioner Brisbane

  • Weight Loss 

  • Diet and Lifestyle Evaluation 

  • Meal planning

  • Reiki Healing for Mind, Body and Soul

My Story


I was born and lived in Mozambique during the late 80s-90's. There were no fast food shops and limited food availability. When I moved to Australia, I found myself in a new country with an abundance of food. As a teenager I had no knowledge of nutrition and began to overeat and make poor food choices. My overeating then lead to poor self-esteem and bullying at school. It was only when I went to a 4-week school camp, away from the fast food, that I rediscovered healthy eating and living. I obtained a better understanding of food basics, cooking, the importance of moving my body and self-awareness. It was then that I shifted my mindset about food and the importance of good food habits. I went on to complete my education in nutrition. 

I am also a mother of one and during my pregnancy I suffered severe morning sickness in the first trimester that lead to over-compensative eating when I could eat. In the pregnancy state, my focus on healthy eating habits then slipped. Like many new mums I was shocked at my body post-delivery, and the discomfort made me decide to do something about it. Not only for myself but for my baby. By caring for my physical and mental state, listening to my body and a lot of determination I was able to change my habits and provide my body with what it needed. It was challenging but I managed to lose the baby weight and find my confidence again.


  • Bachelor of Applied Science: Majoring in Food Science and Nutrition University of Queensland, QLD AUS. 

  • Master of Science: Majoring in Nutrition Science, University of Minnesota, USA. 

  • Reiki Master Level 

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